
Nothing can get through: water-tight protection for the fabric of your building

The seals protecting the fabric of the building must meet the highest demands. After all, penetrating water nearly always leads to damage to the building's fabric. It is essential that leaks are sustainably sealed. We are your specialists for the job.

What we offer:

The balcony is often the most exposed element of a building. We'll get your balcony back up to scratch:

  • Repairs to flaking and local separation
  • Incline correction
  • Protection and sealing with liquid plastic

Do you want to convert your cellar or does it have damp walls? We will be pleased to advise you on choosing the right system.

  • Moisture-regulating plasters
  • Reconstruction plasters
  • Injection
  • Limewashes
  • Sealing plasters
  • Injections for work joints, cracks and dilation joints
  • Implementation of pressing water penetration

Injection technology, liquid plastic seals, joint seals:

  • Balconies
  • Multi-storey car parks
  • Parking garages
  • Underground structures
  • Wet zones


A high-quality seal will protect your building against water penetration.

Main contact

Weiss+Appetito AG 
Giacomettistrasse 1
3006 Bern

T +41 31 750 75 11


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