Concrete repaires

We take things very seriously here: concrete repairs of the highest standard

Concrete is an outstanding building material. But it is also susceptible to the ravages of time and reinforced concrete structures will – depending on environmental influence – need to be repaired after the first life phase. Working with great care is essential as concrete repairs always require intervention in the structure's statics. Furthermore, the aesthetic appeal of fairfaced concrete on façades also needs to be reinstated once repairs have been carried out. Demands here can be very high, especially in connection with protected façades.

Our long-standing experience enables us to meet even the highest requirements and to demonstrate our high level of skill as master craftsmen time and again.

What we offer:

We use the methods of re-alkalisation and desalination to sustainably restore reinforced concrete. This complex electrochemical process puts a sustainable, full-surface stop to corrosion. The protective layer around the reinforcing steel is restored and the environment around the steel significantly improved; either by adding alkalis or removing salts.

  • Sustainable corrosion stop
  • No concrete abrasion (statics)
  • Maintenance of the concrete's appearance
  • Low noise emissions
  • Outstanding ecological balance sheet
  • Exposed concrete façades
  • School complexes
  • Industrial buildings, power plants and clarification plants
  • Bridges, underpassages an tunnels
  • Balconies and terraces
  • Basements and surfaces structures
  • ARA / waste water treatment plants
  • Renovation of reinforced concrete


Surface protection
Surfaces are constantly exposed to environmental impacts.
Electrochemical concrete reconditioning
Lasting protection against corrosion of armouring
Concrete reconditioning
Our appropriate methods for reconditioning and strengthening concrete.

Main contact

Weiss+Appetito AG 
Giacomettistrasse 1
3006 Bern

T +41 31 750 75 11


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