
An eye on the big picture: total reconstructions are our strength

We take on comprehensive reconstruction projects for you, including planning, submission and execution. And we always have an eye on the overall structure. We preserve valuable old elements when converting and restoring buildings and combine them with new ones. This preserves the fabric of the building whilst improving the building’s use and adapting it to meet the new requirements. We carry out all master builder works from demolition and dismantling to kitchen and bathroom conversions and the proper disposal of building rubble. We bring crumbly sandstone back up to scratch, remove graffiti from historic and new renderings and let everything shine in renewed splendour.

TERRAREC® liquid sol - the recycled filler for underground reconstructions

Preserve resources and save money: score with TerraRec®

TerraRec® liquid soil is the ideal resource-preserving recycled filler material. Excavated material is not discarded but processed to produce an environmentally friendly mass and reused. The temporarily fluid building material can be produced from any kind of aggregate, excavated material or recycled material by mixing it with environmentally compatible additives. It also enables cost savings: there are no landfill costs or other costs for replacement or filler material. TerraRec® is especially suitable for filling canalisation and pipeline trenches, filling or backfilling structures in civil engineering projects and wherever a sustainable, environmentally friendly approach to construction is required.

Benefits of TERRAREC® at a glance

TerraRec® is classified as harmless to the environment by EMPA. Production and delivery are subject to a quality management system that corresponds with state-of-the-art technology.

What we offer:

TerraRec® is temporarily fluid. This means objects such as pipes and trenches can be completely enclosed or filled. There is no subsequent settling.

TerraRec® is a self-compacting building material and does not need to be compacted using special machinery. This avoids construction noise and vibrations.

The properties and functions of TerraRec® can be adapted to suit specific purposes by adjusting the type and quantity of additives.


Reconditioning of natural stone
Renovation of historic properties.
TerraRec® liquid sol
A self-sealing filling material for use in earthworks and civil engineering.

Main contact

Weiss+Appetito AG 
Giacomettistrasse 1
3006 Bern

T +41 31 750 75 11


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